Western Health is incorporated as a metropolitan health service pursuant to the Health Services Act 1988 (VIC). Western Health operates under the authority of the Act and its own by-laws.
Western Health is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Health. The Board’s role is to govern the health service, consistent with applicable legislation and the terms and conditions attached to the funds provided to it.
The Board is responsible to the Minister for Health for setting the strategic direction of Western Health, within the framework of government policy, and ensuring that the health service:
is effective and efficiently managed
provides high quality care and service delivery
meets the needs of the community; and
meets financial and non-financial performance targets.
The Board has established several standing committees to assist it in carrying out its responsibilities.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is responsible for ensuring that the financial and related reporting systems produce timely, accurate and relevant reports on the financial operations of the health service and that sufficient resources are allocated to identifying and managing organisational risk.
Community Advisory Committee
The role of the Community Advisory Committee is to advise the Board on key priority areas and issues to ensure effective consumer and community participation at all levels of service planning and delivery. It also advises the Board on matters involving access and equity for patients and their families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for advising the Board on matters relating to financial strategies and the financial performance, capital management and sustainability of Western Health.
Governance and Remuneration Committee
The role of the Governance and Remuneration Committee is to advise the Board and monitor matters involving organisational governance and administration, and executive and senior staff recruitment, remuneration and performance.
Primary Care and Population Health Advisory Committee
The Primary Care and Population Health Advisory Committee provides advice and recommendations to the Board on health issues affecting the population served by Western Health.
Quality and Safety Committee
The Quality and Safety Committee is responsible for ensuring that quality monitoring activities are systematically performed at all levels of the organisation and that deviations from quality standards are acted upon in a timely and effective manner.