Ear, Nose and Throat
Simon Ellul
Click here for a detailed description of this clinic.
Click here for specific access referral guidelines.
Conditions not seen by Western Health Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Clinics:
Referrals for patients with mumps or patients with HIV with bilateral symptoms should be directed to an infectious disease service.
Referrals for patients with Sjogren’s syndrome should be directed to a rheumatology service.
Referrals for patients with hyperthyroidism should be directed to an endocrinology service.
Referrals for oesophageal dysphagia should be directed to a gastroenterology service provided by the health service.
Referrals for other forms of obstructive sleep apnoea (without nasal obstruction and/or macroglossia) should be directed to a multidisciplinary sleep clinic or respiratory service.
Referrals for Chronic or episodic vertigo and vertigo with other neurological symptoms should be directed to a neurology service.
These conditions are captured under the URGENT category and specifically advise direction to an Emergency Department.
MBS patients are bulk billed. Referrals need to be to the named Head of Unit. See here for information on how to refer and general contact information: Fax referrals to 8345 6856.
Adult Specialist Clinics: Ph. 8345 6490Fax 8345 6856 Contact for Urgent Referrals:ENT Registrar via switchboard Ph. 8345 6666