Associate Professor Craig Nelson
Click here for a detailed description of this clinic.
Click here for referral guidelines.
The following common conditions are not seen in Nephrology Specialist clinics at Western Health:
Minor proteinuria <0.5 grams with normal renal function and the absence of haematuria with normal renal imaging/myeloma screen negative (if later age appropriate).
Controlled blood pressure with no suspicious features
Renal calculi requiring urological management - please refer directly to urology for this service.
Renal anatomical lesions including cysts, in particular complex cysts - these require direct referral to urology.
Issues related to renal obstruction, please refer to urology unit.
Stable renal function not meeting criteria as above.
Acute nephritis and acute nephrotic syndrome should be directed to the Emergency Department.
MBS patients are bulk billed. Referrals need to be to the named Head of Unit. See here for information on how to refer and general contact information:
Nephrologist Referral FormFax referrals to 8345 6856.
Outpatient Renal Registrar via switchboard Ph. 8345 6666 CKD Coordinator available during business hours on Ph. 0402721026