The postnatal maternity unit is located in two areas of Sunshine Hospital; on Level 2 via lifts 5&6 (Maternity) and in the Acute Services Building on Level 2 (Maternity 2E).
Maternity consists of 48 beds in single and 2-bed rooms. The Unit provides opportunities for partners to stay overnight if you are in a single room.
Midwives will provide your care during your admission and work in close partnership with our team of:
After the birth of your baby, your expected stay in hospital is 48 hours following a vaginal birth or 72 hours following a Caesarean Section, but the actual length of your stay will depend on the health needs of you and your baby.
Following discharge from hospital a midwife will visit you at home within 24-48 hours. Before you are discharged from our care we will refer you to the Maternal & Child Health (MCH) service within your local council area. If you are do not hold a valid Medicare card you may not be eligible to receive the MCH service.
If you are cared for by midwives in our Midwifery Group Practice (Caseload) and all is well, you can expect to go home between 4 – 6 hours after birth. You will receive more regular follow up by your Midwifery Group Practice midwife at home before referral to the Maternal & Child Health service within your local council area.