"As a parent, there's nothing worse than
seeing your child in distress or in pain."
For Kat, a mother of two, 5 December 2019 was a day she'll never forget. Her son Will was rushed to the Sunshine Hospital Emergency Department after experiencing an asthma attack. While waiting to be treated, Will became increasingly distressed.
"He was terrified. The bright lights and unfamiliar surroundings were very overwhelming," says Kat.
By the time Will was brought in to be treated by the doctor, he was quite agitated. His breathing was very laboured and he was struggling with every breath. To help regulate his breathing, the doctors tried to place an oxygen mask over this nose and mouth.
"He wasn't having any of that! The more they tried, the more upset he became," says Kat. "It was heartbreaking to see him stressed out, fighting off treatment that needed to be done."
Stories like Kat's and Will's will be very familiar to families who have to attend emergency. In fact, Will is just one of 24,000 children to present to Sunshine Hospital's Emergency Department each year.
Bright lights, unfamiliar sounds and smells, and strange faces can lead to heightened levels of anxiety and distress in young patients, often making it harder for our treating teams to administer the care and treatment young patients need.
Right now, construction is underway to expand the Sunshine Hospital Emergency Department (funded by the Victorian Government) to create a dedicated children's zone. Opening in mid-2021, this purpose-built facility will ensure that children will be treated in an environment that meets their specific needs.
Your donation to the Sunshine Hospital Emergency Appeal will provide for some extra special enhancements that will ease the fear and distress for children visiting hospital.
We need to raise $100,000 to purchase the following distraction devices and equipment for our new children's zone.

| Light Projector | funds required $25,000
Your donation can provide for a special light projector in our emergency treatment room to project images onto the wall and ceiling to distract and entertain children undergoing treatment. 

| Distraction Devices | funds required $15,000
Your support can provide a range of distraction and entertainment devices fincluding virtual reality headsets, iPads and toys as well as calming sensory devices such as headphones and weighted blankets. 

| OPG X-ray Machine | funds required $60,000
Your donation can contribute towards the purchase of an OPG machine for Sunshine Hospital, to provide for on-site X-rays of the jaw and teeth for children presenting with dental and facial injuries.
