Western Health welcomes and encourages consumers and their families to give us feedback about their experiences.
Your feedback is important to us and helps us know what we are doing well and where we need to improve. You can provide feedback in different ways.
a suggestion about an improvement
a compliment about a staff member or service
a complaint or concern about care provided
If your Feedback is regarding a current consumer in hospital, you can raise your concerns directly with the Unit Manager, Nurse or Midwife in charge of the ward. This is the quickest and most effective way to have your feedback addressed. If you are unhappy with the response or would like to speak to someone not directly involved in the area, you can contact our Best Care Feedback Team at [email protected]
If you have concerns about your health, you should seek immediate advice from a registered medical practitioner. If you require urgent care, please go to your nearest hospital Emergency Department. We are unable to provide individual health care advice by phone or email.
Western Health cares for the wellbeing of our staff and consumers. We understand that sometimes issues can be distressing for you and will do our best to support you. We kindly request that you act respectfully towards our staff throughout this process. Abusive, aggressive and threatening behaviours and language are not tolerated. These behaviours can result in termination of calls or the feedback process. We thank you for your cooperation.
Make a Suggestion to improve care
Submit Feedback online
Make a Complaint
Talk to a staff member or the manager of the area or
Submit Feedback online
(This is the most efficient option for submission of your feedback. Please provide as much information as possible to enable us to address your concerns)
Tips for lodging a complaint
Be clear about what went wrong, who was involved and when it happened.
Be clear about what solution you are seeking.
Tell us how you would best like us to respond to you (e.g. phone call, email, in writing, family meeting).
Be calm and respectful.
Share a Compliment
Talk to a staff member or the manager of the area, Leave a written message or card for staff or
Submit Feedback online
Research Program Participants
If you are currently involved as a participant in a clinical trial or research at Western Health, you can provide general feedback to the Research Program Director on (03) 8395 8073 or send an email to [email protected].
If you want to know more about clinical trials or to provide your experience feedback as a participant, please click here for more information.
How to contact the Best Care Feedback Team
If you feel your concerns were not resolved, and you would like further help, please contact the Best Care Feedback Team, through one of the following methods:
Online: Feedback Form
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 1 800 319 631
Mail: Best Care Feedback Team, Sunshine Hospital, 176 Furlong Road, St Albans 3021
Our Feedback Service is staffed Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm (excluding Public Holidays). If we are unavailable or on another phone call, please leave your name and phone number and hospital UR number if this is known, we will return your call as soon as possible. Please note, any returned calls may come from a private number.
To limit delays in returning telephone calls, we ask that you continue to contact us via the Feedback Form or email [email protected].
Frequently asked questions
What Happens with my feedback?
Your feedback will be directed to the most appropriate person for information, follow up or investigation. If you have requested a response to your complaint, a Western Health employee will contact you via your nominated preferred method.
Feedback is processed and managed in a timely manner; we will endeavour to acknowledge all feedback within 3 business days. Western Health aims to provide you with a resolution within 30 business days, however, we always try to respond as quickly as possible. Please note our response times can vary based on the complexity of the issues raised and if our response is being delayed, our team will communicate this to you via email or phone.
How is my information managed?
Western Health respects the privacy and confidentiality of consumers and the information received during the complaints process, while at the same time making decisions open and accountable:
All complaints are handled according to the requirements of the Health Records Act 2001 and Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic).
Information gathered during the complaints process is only used to deal with and resolve the complaint, or to address broader issues arising from the complaint.
Complaint information is shared with staff only on a ‘need-to-know’ basis.
the details of your complaint are not included on your medical record
it will not affect your care or treatment in the hospital
the issues are not discussed with anyone except the relevant staff
you will not be punished in any way or made to feel unwelcome in the hospital
All actions taken by Western Health to collect, store, use, release and destroy consumer personal and health information will comply with all relevant legislation relating to confidentiality and privacy.
Consumer personal and health information privacy and confidentiality in Victorian public hospitals is covered by the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). Commonwealth privacy legislation does not apply to public hospitals.
Privacy Statement
Do I have to give my name?
You have the option of remaining anonymous and not identifying yourself when leaving Feedback, Western Health does take all feedback seriously, by remaining anonymous this can affect Western Health’s ability to fully investigate any Feedback thoroughly or to provide a response.
Is there anyone I can contact for support?
You are welcome to engage with any advocacy or support services of your choice.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander:
First Nations Disability Advocacy Program
Wilim Berrbang-Aboriginal Health Unit Sunshine Hospital Phone: 8345 0952 Email: [email protected]
Aged Care:
Older Persons Advocacy Network: Phone: 1800 700 600
Elder Rights Advocacy (Victoria) Telephone: (03) 9602 3066 Tollfree: 1800 700 600 Email: [email protected]
Advocacy - Deaf Victoria
If you are Deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, contact us via the National Relay Service.
Advocacy Support | ADEC
Find an Advocate – Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU)
Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability: Phone: 1800 655 570
Western Health Disability Liaison Service Email: [email protected]
Please see resources below.
What if I am not happy with the response I have received?
If you are not satisfied with our service, please contact the Best Care Feedback Team. We take complaints seriously and aim to resolve them quickly and fairly. Any problem is usually best solved within Western Health. However, if you remain dissatisfied with the response to your complaint or want to take your concerns further, there are ways to escalate your concerns.
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission: To make a formal complaint please call the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on 1800 951 822 (Free call) for all enquiries, including lodging a complaint about an aged care service provider, or on +61 2 9633 1711 if you are calling from outside Australia. Email: [email protected]
Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC): The HCC responds to complaints about health services in Victoria. Their service is free, confidential and impartial. To lodge a complaint with the HCC, you can fill out a complaint form online via www.hcc.vic.gov.au or phone 1300 582 113. The service operates between 9:30am and 3pm on weekdays.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (MHWC): The MHWC responds to complaints about health services and the handling of health information in Victoria. Their service is free, confidential and impartial. To lodge a complaint with the MHWC: Fill out a complaint form online via www.mhwc.vic.gov.au or free call on 1800 246 054 between 9:30am and 3pm, Monday to Friday to discuss your complaint.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS): If you are concerned regarding the care you are receiving as part of the NDIS, you can access information and make a complaint direct to the NDIS via the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission https://www.ndis.gov.au/contact/feedback-and-complaints or call 1800 800 110
Victorian Ombudsman: Complaints about an action or decision made by a Victorian public organisation Make a complaint | Victorian Ombudsman
Can I provide feedback in my own language?
Yes. To provide feedback in another language:
Request an interpreter and speak to your healthcare team about your feedback.
Call Language Services on 9594 2374 to arrange to speak to the Best Care Feedback team with an interpreter during business hours.
You may write to us via letter or email in your preferred language and we will arrange for this to be translated at no charge to you.
What do I do if something doesn’t feel ‘quite right’ and I am worried about my/my loved one’s medical condition while in hospital?
If you feel that something is not ‘quite right’ and feel worried about the condition or deterioration of a loved one who is currently in hospital, we want you to let us know. In the first instance, please speak with your nurse, midwife or doctor about your concerns.
If you feel this has not helped, please tell the Nurse in Charge on the ward as soon as possible. Most of the time they can help resolve any problems that you have.
If these staff are unable to help you, you can contact the Call for HELP team for further advice. The call for HELP program allows consumers, family members, and carers to directly escalate their concerns regarding consumer clinical deterioration via a clearly defined 3 step process.
Call for HELP is NOT an escalation process for complaints or routine clinical care. For more information, click here to learn about Call for Help.

Consumer First Strategy
The Consumer First Strategy at Western Health outlines our commitment to putting consumers, their families, and loved ones first to make sure that appropriate support is provided.

This means that we wish to work together with you to make shared decisions about your care. We want your care to feel right for you and provide care that takes into consideration your individual circumstances to make you feel included and safe. We also want to communicate effectively and provide you with information you can understand and use to make decisions about your care.
Working Together … I am included as a respected partner in reviewing and improving healthcare
Shared Decision Making … I am supported to make informed decisions about my healthcare
Personalised & Holistic … I receive personalised care that is informed by the experiences of others and supports me as a whole person
Equity & Inclusion … I receive care that is considerate of consumer diversity and promotes inclusion
Effective Communication … I receive high-quality information that I can readily understand and act upon
Consumers are at the core of what we do, and we want to hear from you about your experiences so that we can make sure our services are meeting the needs of our community.