Chinese Community Dig Deep for Joan Kirner Women's and Children's
July 2019
The generosity of Melbourne's Chinese community knows no bounds, with over 450 guests from across Melbourne coming together on Friday 28 June to raise $153,000 (and counting!) in support of the Joan Kirner Women's and Children's at Sunshine Hospital.
Attendees at the sold out fundraising dinner, coordinated by the Four Seasons Entertainment Group and hosted by Frank Cheng from Happy Receptions, were treated to a special guest performance by renowned Hong Kong based singer Qi Qi, among other performers and surprise soloists!
Special guests on the evening included Federal Member for Chisholm, Ms Gladys Liu; the Federal Member for Fraser, Mr Daniel Mulino; the Member for the Victorian Legislative Council for South Eastern Metropolitan Region, Dr Kieu Tien Dung; and State Member for St Albans, Ms Natalie Suleyman.
CEO of Western Health, Mr Russell Harrison, and Adele Mollo, Divisional Director of Women's and Children's Services, graciously accepted the cheque of fundraising proceeds on the evening.
"It is such a privilege to work for an organisation that is so greatly supported by the community that it serves," says Adele.
"Thanks to the generosity of the Chinese community we will be able to purchase and install special distraction items in children's treatment rooms and outpatient areas."
"It will be the very first time that children being cared for at Western Health will be able to benefit from these technologies, and it will make a big difference in their treatment and recovery."
Our sincere thanks to the Four Seasons Entertainment Committee for all their hard work and support putting together this evening and to Frank Cheng and the staff of Happy Receptions for hosting this wonderful event.