L-R: Judith Dickson, President Sunshine Hospital Auxiliary with June Ivory, Founding member of the Maribyrnong Auxiliary and Betty Millet, President Maribyrnong Auxiliary
Golden Anniversary Celebrations
A group of long-term Maribyrnong volunteers have been recognised for over 50 years of service to Western Health. The group actually reached the milestone in March last year; however, because of COVID restrictions, they were unable to get together to officially celebrate until this year's Western Health Volunteer Service Awards held during National Volunteer Week in May.
Not only was the group acknowledged, but two long-standing members received awards for their service. President Betty Millet received an award for 30 years of service, and founding member June Ivory received a standing ovation for her 50 years of service.
The Maribyrnong Auxiliary was founded in 1970 by resident Mrs Jean Peters who recruited her friends and neighbours to join her and support the local hospital. In their time, members of the Auxiliary have raised money for the hospital by knitting, making aprons, working in the Op Shops at Sunshine and Footscray Hospital, baking delicious cakes and slices, and selling trailer loads of fruit.
With meetings and activities put on hold last year, the group has recommenced their monthly meetings and are set to resume shifts in the Footscray Hospital Op Shop. The shop was recently fitted out to comply with COVID safe measures, including sanitising and sneeze guard barriers.
The group credits their longevity to the commitment to each other and support from their families.
"My mother was the president of the Auxiliary before me, and now I have two granddaughters who are also members," says Betty. "It's been a great group over the years. The friends I've made along the way have become like family."
If you are interested in joining either the Maribyrnong, Sunshine or Williamstown Auxiliaries, please contact the Western Health Volunteer Manager on 9055 2410 or email [email protected].