Gynae-Oncology Cancer Service
Dr Tony Richards
Click here for a detailed description of this clinic within the cancer services web pages.
Any patient with a known or suspected malignancy of female genital tract origin.
Acutely unwell
Signs and symptoms
Please see Ovarian Optimal Care Pathway and Endometrial Optimal Care Pathway
Please also include relevant past medical history.
Pelvic US
CA 125
Request patients bring their films/disk to their outpatient appointment. If images are not available, please include results with referral.
MBS patients are bulk billed. Referrals need to be to the named Head of Unit. See here for information on how to refer and general contact information. Fax referrals to 8345 6856
For O&G triage, contact the Gynae Clinical Coordinator - 8345 0633 For general enquiries:Phone: 03 8345 6490, Fax: 03 8345 6856