Professor Tissa Wijeratne
The Department of Neurology provides a range of neurological services (stroke, epilepsy, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathy, headache medicine, neuromuscular junction disorders) at Western Health. On site (Footscray campus) there is also a Neurosurgery Unit.
Click here for specific access and referral criteria and clinical investigation requirements.
Please note referrals that do not contain the minimum investigations outlined above will be returned with a request for more information. Referrers have 30 days to respond to a request for more information otherwise the referral will not be accepted.
Back pain (refer to subspecialty surgery clinics or manage in the community)
Dizziness with absence of alarm symptoms (see list of alarm symptoms below and refer to Emergency Department as indicated)
Sleep disordered breathing (refer to Respiratory/Sleep Disorder Clinic)
Falls in elderly (refer to Falls and Balance Clinic)
Patients requiring only Neuropsychology
Dementia for patients > 60 years of age (refer to Western Health CDAMS clinic).
Epilepsy review for maintaining a standard driver's license (only commercial driver's license requires Neurologist review)
Neurology conditions in children under 17 years of age
Thunderclap headache (onset of headache within one minute) – subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Headache with new onset focal signs such as neck stiffness, fever or positive Kernig's sign
Acute visual disturbance associated with pain (different to typical migraine-associated visual symptoms)
Sudden confusion, rapidly progressing cognitive impairment, disorientation, loss of motor function or slurred speech (different to typical migraine-associated similar symptoms)
Red eye and haloes around lights, suggestive of acute angle closure glaucoma
Symptoms of temporal arteritis
MBS patients are bulk billed. Referrals need to be to the named Head of Unit.
See here for information on how to refer and general contact information:
Fax referrals to 8345 6856.
Call Neurology Registrar via switchboard to discuss a referral 8345 6666