Services Offered
Western Health offers Physiotherapy services at Footscray Hospital, Sunshine Hospital, Williamstown Hospital and Hazeldean, in a range of specialised areas. The Physiotherapy department works in close association with other health care professionals to provide comprehensive and holistic care. We are committed to providing clinical and academic excellence in physiotherapy care across all ages. We are a clinical teaching hospital and associated with The University of Melbourne in providing education and mentoring for under graduate and post graduate students.
Footscray Hospital

Inpatient Services | Outpatient Services |
- Intensive care
- Coronary Care
- Surgical
- General Medicine
- Respiratory Medicine
- Inpatient orthopaedics and ortho-geriatrics
- Aged care
- Emergency Department
- Geriatric Evaluation and Management
- Rehabilitation for amputees, orthopaedic and general medical conditions
- Plastics
| - Advanced Practice Clinics (orthopaedic/neurosurgical/rheumatology)
- Outpatient Orthopaedics
Sunshine Hospital

Inpatient Services
| Outpatient Services |
- Paediatric
- Maternity and Gynaecology
- Aged care and General Medicine
- Rehabilitation for Orthopaedic, Neurological and general medical conditions
- Geriatric Evaluation and Management
- Palliative care
- Oncology
- Stroke/Neurology
- General surgery
- Intensive care
- Coronary care
- Emergency Department
- Respiratory Medicine
| - Orthopaedic outpatients
- Community based therapy including neurology/orthopaedic /falls and balance/pain
- Pulmonary/Cardiac/ Heart failure Rehabilitation
- Women's health and Paediatric outpatients
- Aquatic Physiotherapy
- Advanced Practice Clinics (paediatrics/women's health)
- Continence
Williamstown Hospital

Inpatient Services | Outpatient Services |
- Elective inpatient orthopaedic
- Geriatric Evaluation and Management
- Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
- Transitional Care Program
| - Community based therapy including neurology/orthopaedic / falls and balance
- Musculoskeletal outpatients
- Pulmonary/Cardiac/ Heart failure Rehabilitation
Hours of Operation
We work Monday to Friday 8am to 4.30pm (limited weekend/public holiday service).
Referrals are usually made by medical and allied health staff within Western Health. Patients cannot self refer and we do not accept GP referrals for inpatient services. If you have been referred to physiotherapy we encourage your attendance and active participation to get the greatest benefits.
Outpatient Missed Appointment Policy
If you are unable to attend your appointment you must give us a minimum of 24 hours notice when cancelling the appointment. Inconsistent, late or failed attendance can lead to discharge from physiotherapy. Please contact us for further information on this policy.
Please tell us when your appointment is made if you need an interpreter.
Contact Us
Sunshine Hospital
Phone: (03) 8345 6661 (Allied Health Reception)
Fax: (03) 8345 6064
Williamstown Hospital
Phone: (03) 9393 0168
Fax: (03) 9393 0112
Footscray Hospital
Phone: (03) 8345 6661
Fax: (03) 8345 6064