The Department of Respiratory and Sleep Disorders Medicine specialises in the respiratory system (breathing) and the organs related to breathing. We also specialise in the branch of medicine related to sleep and disorders affecting sleep.
The Department of Respiratory & Sleep Disorders Medicine is a busy sub-specialty unit, operating within the Division of Emergency, Medicine, and Cancer Services.
The Department admits approximately 1400 inpatients per annum, and manages a 5 bed non-invasive ventilation unit on ward 2D at Footscray Hospital.
In addition to inpatient consultations, approximately 2500 outpatients are assessed and managed via the general Respiratory Clinic each year, along with specialist clinics including Sleep Disorders, Asthma, Lung Oncology, and Rapid Respiratory Assessment. The Migrant Screening clinic is a State contracted service, which performs screening for approximately 2600 overseas students and immigrants with abnormal chest x-rays per year.
The Department provides a comprehensive range of diagnostic services, including approximately 1500 sleep studies, 2000 lung function tests, 200 cardiopulmonary exercise assessments, and 200 bronchoscopy/EBUS procedures per annum.
The Department has active teaching and research programs. The teaching program includes undergraduate and postgraduate medical personnel, nursing staff, and allied health staff. The Department is affiliated with The University of Melbourne Western Clinical School and Notre Dame University.
Contact Us
Head of Unit: Dr Anne Marie Southcott
Department of Respiratory & Sleep Disorders Medicine enquiries
1st Floor South Block, Footscray Hospital
Phone: 8345 6842