Things can change while you’re waiting for care.
That’s why we regularly check in with patients who are waiting for appointments. This is called a waitlist audit.
If you have been waiting for more than 12 months, our team will be getting in touch with you. These checks help to:
Let you know that we haven’t forgotten about you.
Make sure we have the right contact information for you.
Ask if you still require our specialist care and if not, remove you from the waitlist.
Give you advice on how to get more urgent care if you need it.
If you are waiting for appointments from more than one specialty, you will receive separate communication for each.
How will we contact you?
You may be contacted via:
Waitlist validation Text Message or SMS (the text message will prompt you to reply ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as to whether you wish to stay on the waitlist.
Waitlist Validation Letter (letter will require you to circle ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as to whether you still wish to stay on the waitlist and will include a reply-paid envelope for you to send back to Western Health).
Waitlist Validation Phone Call: our team may call you (this may be on a private number or a Western Health phone number) to discuss your care needs and whether you need to remain on the waitlist.
What do you need to do?
You will need to respond with 'Yes' if you still require our care.
You will need to respond with 'No' if you no longer require your appointment. For example, if you have been treated elsewhere or if your condition has improved.
Why do we need this information?
We need this information to ensure:
What happens if you do not reply?
We will try to contact you on two different occasions. If you do not reply, we will assume you no longer need our service and will discharge you. You and your GP will receive a discharge from waitlist notification letter.
What happens once you have responded?
If you respond ‘No’
We will remove you from our waitlist. Any future need will require a new referral from your GP or specialist.
If you require appointments for more than one specialty, you will receive separate communication from us for each specialty. Please ensure you check the specialty before responding.
If you respond ‘Yes’
You will remain on the waitlist and we will contact you when an appointment becomes available.
We continue to work with our specialists to reduce your waiting time.
Updating your contact information:
You can update your phone number, postal address, and other contact details by:
- Informing our reception staff when you attend the hospital.
- Filling out this form.
- Calling us during business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm) on (03) 8345 6490*.
*Please note that during periods of high demand you may experience long waiting times on our telephone service..