SURC is a specialist service located in the Day Oncology Unit dedicated to supporting patients at home who are suffering from side-effects after receiving chemotherapy treatment at Western Health. Patients (or their support person) can call and get advice or support from an experienced cancer nurse if they have any concerns or are feeling unwell. There is also an oncology doctor at hand.
It is important to call us before attending SURC as we can often help you manage and improve your symptoms in the comfort of your own home.
Phone: 0421 570 707 (8.30 am - 4.00 pm).

How will the SURC nurse help?
When you call SURC, a Nurse will answer the phone and might then:
Give advice over the phone about how to manage or improve your symptoms
Advise you to come into the SURC for review
Advise you to see your GP or attend the Emergency Department
The SURC Nurse will also:
Advise your Oncologist or Haematologist that you called
Call your GP if you have been advised to go there
Provide a follow up phone call if required.
If you have any non-urgent concerns you can visit your GP.
If you don't feel well or have a temperature of 38 and above and SURC is closed then go directly to the Emergency Department or dial 000 and inform them that you are receiving chemotherapy treatment.
What are the SURC opening hours?
SURC is open Monday-Friday, 8:30am – 4:00pm
Is there a cost for SURC services?
SURC support is a free service to all patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment at Western Health. However there may be charges associated with some medications prescribed by the Clinic.
What additional support is available to me?
As you go through chemotherapy treatment it is not unusual to need support. At Western Health we have a number of support services available and we can help with a referral to community services if you need support within the community.
Western Health Symptom Urgent Review Clinic brochure
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