A message to children and young people
We at Western Health believe children and young people who come to our hospitals should:
feel comfortable
be cared for
have a voice
feel safe and be safe.
You have rights that protect you from harm.
It is not okay for anyone to hurt your feelings or your body
It is okay for you to say NO to an adult if they ask you to do something that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
If you ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable we will listen to you and act to help you.
It is always okay to tell someone if you are not feeling comfortable or safe or if you have been hurt.
If you are unhappy with the way you are being treated, cared for or spoken to please tell a staff member, volunteer, your parents or an adult you trust.
Commitment to safeguarding children and young people
Across all of its services, sites and operations, Western Health takes seriously its responsibility to provide an environment for children and young people that is caring, nurturing and safe. This includes recognising and supporting the additional vulnerabilities and needs of children and young people who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander,who are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, who have a disability, and who are of a diverse gender identity or sexual orientation.
Western Health is committed to safeguarding all children and young people from:
We expect all involved across the network of Western Health services, regardless of their role or level of responsibility, and regardless of whether they are paid or unpaid, to act to safeguard children from such harm by adopting the practices and behaviour we have set as our standard when carrying out their roles. Report any abuse or neglect of which they become aware to our management and/or to Child Protection or Victoria Police, regardless of whether that abuse is being perpetrated by Western Health personnel, or by those outside our organisation including those from the child’s family, extended family, their family’s extended network or strangers.
Stuff for children
Kids Help line
Safe touch/unsafe touch
Recognize the Signs
Stuff for young adults
Brimbank Youth Services
The youth junction
We are compliant with the Victorian Child Safe Standards, the Reportable Conduct Scheme and The Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
Support Services
Sexual Assault Crisis Line (SACL) (24 hours) 1800 806 292
1800 Respect (24 hours) national telephone line for victims of sexual assault & family
Victims of Crime Help Line (7 days, 8am-11pm) 1800 819 817
e-Safety Commissioner
Child Protection Service DHHS (24 hours) 131 278
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre (24 hours) for women and children: 24 hour support 1800 015 188
or 9322 3555
Kid's Help Line 1800 551 800