Western Health has partnered with the Royal Women’s Hospital to provide free fertility assessment and treatment, including IVF.
Public Fertility Care aims to make it easier to access services that can be financially out of reach or difficult to access for some. The service is available to singles, couples and people of all genders.
You’ll need a referral to access the service. Book in with your GP or specialist who can organise tests and investigations for you. Once your results are back, your GP will send a referral to the Royal Women’s Hospital. The Women’s will send you a letter once your referral has been accepted and then we’ll get in touch to arrange your first appointment at Western Health.
Western Health provides inpatient and outpatient care to patients through a range of Women’s and Paediatric Allied Health specialities, as well as specialist inpatient and outpatient care for patients receiving obstetric or gynaecological management at Western Health.
For more information visit the following pages:
Women's and Children's Allied Health
Women’s Allied Health Specialist Outpatients Clinics
Breast services
The Breast Care Unit provides a quality service with up to 6000 personal consultations a year for women with breast cancer.
Breast Services
We offer a best practice multidisciplinary breast service for over 120 women newly diagnosed with breast cancer each year, as well as supporting women with a breast symptom who are diagnosed with a benign condition.
Our staff work together to provide a coordinated service to our gynae-oncology patients.
Cancer services
We provide Cancer Services for patients in the western and central Melbourne metropolitan region.
Breast Cancer Service
Our team provides a coordinated service to our patients with breast cancer.
Drug health services
Drug Health Services cater to people across the development lifespan.
We also provide the Western Health’s Women’s Therapeutic Day Program, a free and confidential service that provides a safe and supportive environment for women to explore, understand and make changes to identified substance use. For more information on this service, view our
Services for adults page.
Our Gynaecology Unit provides a comprehensive gynaecological service to the people of the western suburbs of Melbourne, and across Victorian regional areas.
Gynaecology Service
Our Gynaecology Unit is based at the Joan Kirner Women's and Children's Hospital, and is the largest in the west of Melbourne.
Access to this service
For more details read the section below under the heading Referrals.
For patients
If you are a patient or relative with an enquiry regarding your care, read this page for details on the relevant departments, as well as post operative surgery discharge instructions.
Teaching, Education and Research
The Gynaecology Unit contributes to the structured teaching program and helps undergraduate students within the clinical environment.
Women's Specialist Clinics
The department provides a range of Womens Specialist Clinics for patients who require assessment and management of gynaecological conditions.
Maternity services
Maternity services - general information
African Women's Wellness Program
This program provides accessible and culturally appropriate clinical services, education and resources for African women.
Birth Suite
Our team of medical staff including neonatologists/paediatricians are available at all times and work closely with our midwives and obstetricians to provide care for you if your pregnancy, labour or birth is, or becomes, more complex.
Childbirth education
Western health currently offers two different programs of childbirth education, EmpowerED Birth, and Parenting and the Positive Birth Program by Hypnobirthing Australia.
Galinjera Maternity Program
If you or your baby are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, you will be offered care through the Galinjera Maternity Program at Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s.
Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s Hospital offers a publicly funded homebirth maternity care option for women and birthing people that meet the eligibility criteria.
Joan Kirner Women’s & Children’s Antenatal Information
Information designed to assist you with any questions you may have regarding your pregnancy, including EVE, our pregnancy app for patients booked at Western Health.
Lactation Service
We are committed to promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding. Read our breastfeeding policy and other support documents.
Maternity Assessment Centre (MAC)
Maternity Assessment Centre (MAC) is staffed by midwives who work collaboratively with medical staff to care for you and monitor your baby's health.
Maternal Fetal Medicine
MFM provides care for women with the highest risk and most complex pregnancies.
Maternity Unit
Find information about our Maternity ward, which is located in two areas of the Joan Kirner Building at Sunshine Hospital - Level 7 and level 8 and within the Maternity unit at Bacchus Marsh Hospital.
Options for pregnancy care
Read about our options for pregnancy care, including our midwifery care and Koori Maternity Services (KMS).
Perinatal Mental Health Service
This service provides assessment, management, ongoing psychological intervention and group parenting programs for women in the perinatal period, up to 6 months postnatally, who present with varying psychiatric and psychological challenges.
Pregnancy Bookings
Midwives at either our Joan Kirner Campus or our Bacchus Marsh Campus will provide a thorough pregnancy booking appointment for you.
Pregnancy Care Clinics
Our pregnancy care (or antenatal care) clinics are located at both Joan Kirner Women's and Children's at Sunshine Hospital and Bacchus Marsh Hospital.
Mental health and wellbeing
We provide mental health and wellbeing services for people living in western metropolitan Melbourne.
General information
Perinatal Mental Health Service
This service provides assessment, management and ongoing psychological intervention to women receiving maternity care at Western Health, Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
Yanna Yanna (Women’s) PARC
Yanna Yanna (Women’s) PARC provides support for people aged 26 and over for short-term intensive treatment in a residential setting to women as a less-restrictive alternative to acute inpatient admission.
Newborn services
Newborn Services department is currently funded for 30 cots, comprising intensive care, high dependency and special care beds. It is one of the five Level 6 Neonatal Units in the state of Victoria and admits approximately 1600 babies per year.
This department can be contacted on:
Phone: 9055 2500
Women's and Children's Hospital In The Home (HITH)
Women's and Children's Hospital In The Home (HITH) provides inpatient care and support at home for children and newborns who are patients of Western Health.
Patients and visitors
What to bring to hospital?
This page includes information relevant to maternity and to our Women's Health Clinics to help you prepare for your stay or visit.
General information
Allied Health at Western Health provide a range of specialist outpatient clinics within individual disciplines and through multi-disciplinary teams.
Children's Specialist Clinics and Adolescent Health Service
Children's Specialist Outpatient Clinics and Adolescent Health Service provide care for children and young people aged between 0-18 years.
Children's Ward
The Children’s Ward is a 32 bed inpatient unit on the 6th floor of Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s precinct at Sunshine Hospital which caters for children newborn to 18 years old, and cares for over 5000 children each year.
Speech pathology
Speech Pathology is based within the Paediatric Allied Health Service at the Joan Kirner Women's and Children's, Sunshine Hospital. The team helps parents with supporting babies and young children with developmental challenges.
Physiotherapy – Sunshine Hospital
Sunshine Hospital offers the following inpatient services:
Sunshine Hospital also offer following outpatient services:
For more general information visit our
Physiotherapy page.
Women’s referrals – general
This page contains details on Lead Clinicians, referral guidelines, referral forms, campuses, and contact details.
Gynaecology referrals
To access gynaecology care, you’ll need a referral from your GP. (You don’t need a referral to access the new Melton Community Sexual and Reproductive Health Hub or the Women’s Health Hub.)
Your GP will send referrals to the Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s at Sunshine Hospital. Referrals must include adequate clinical details and any relevant investigations. Incomplete referrals will be returned to your GP.
All referrals are reviewed under the direction of the Head of Gynaecology and appointments are allocated according to clinical need. Once assessed by our clinicians, gynaecology appointments will be allocated to either Bacchus Marsh Hospital or Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s at Sunshine Hospital.
The gynaecology clinics operate Monday to Friday during business hours.
Maternity referrals
Women requesting maternity care at Western Health require a GP referral. For more information visit our
Maternity services page and
Referrals page which covers referrals for:
Gynaecology Services
Pregnancy Care Services
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Other services
1800 My Options
1800 My Options provide information and a phoneline addressing contraception, pregnancy options (including abortion/termination of pregnancy) and sexual health.
Australian Breastfeeding Association
As Australia’s leading authority on breastfeeding, ABA supports, educates and advocates for a breastfeeding inclusive society.
cohealth (Footscray)
Cohealth provides community health services, advocates for health and social equity, undertakes research, and develops health promotion initiatives.
IPC Health (Deer Park, Wyndham Vale)
IPC Health works with communities to address and strengthen major contributors to wellbeing and quality of living, for example in the areas of family violence and child and family services.
Jean Hailes for Women's health
A national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving women's health across Australia through every life stage.
Modern Medical (Caroline Springs)
Modern Medical provide several Women’s Health services, including pap smears, family planning and antenatal shared care.
Sexual Health Victoria
Sexual Health Victoria is a state-wide independent charity, for-purpose, all-choice organisation that focuses on reproductive and sexual health care, education and advocacy.
Women’s Health Hub
Opening early 2025, this GP-led clinic aims to ease symptoms and improve quality of life for women awaiting their first gynaecological specialist clinic appointment. This will include therapies for menstrual disorders, pelvic pain, menopause and other women's health issues. The Women’s Health Hub will expand the reproductive choices service to provide an option for medical termination of pregnancy.
Cancer sites and services
Cancer Council Victoria – various education information as well as support avenues and information about other cancer types
Counterpart (previously BreaCan) – Women with a lived experience of cancer are uniquely placed to help other women with a cancer diagnosis to live well. Includes information about the Navigator App available for downloading.
BCI Westmead Breast Cancer Institute – various factsheets and information
OTIS Foundation – The foundation provides retreat accommodation at no cost to anyone dealing with the challenges of breast cancer
Canteen Australia – A resource for all young people whose lives are affected by cancer
Think Pink - An independent charitable foundation whose mission is to provide practical support and to enable a better journey through breast cancer for patients and their families.
Women’s Health Clinics
Please note, clinic times are subject to change.
| Days
Reproductive choices
| Bacchus Marsh Hospital
| Monday fortnightly
| Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s (JKWC)
| Tuesdays fortnightly
| Bachus Marsh Hospital
| Tuesdays Monday fortnightly Wednesday fortnightly
| Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Early pregnancy assessment service
| Monday-Friday
Public Fertility Care (not IVF)
| Wednesday
General gynaecology
| Bacchus Marsh
| Monday-Friday
| Monday-Friday Thursday fortnightly
Gynaecology oncology
| Monday
IUD Clinic
| Bacchus Marsh
| Monday-Friday
| Monday fortnightly
Public Fertility Care
| Monday-Friday
OARS (anorectal studies)
| Wednesday fortnightly
| Tuesday