Bridging Program –
Early Career, Refresher, Postgraduate supported program.
The aim of this program is to 'bridge' any gaps in individual practice; developing skills and clinical proficiency in key areas across the spectrum of maternity care. Utilising and building upon prior learning and experience, the Bridging Program intends to assist the participant to become a valuable member of the midwifery workforce whilst working towards being fulfilled with one's own clinical capabilities.
All applicants:
Early Career Applicants:
Must hold a practicing certificate with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
Meets one or more of the following:
Graduated in last 12-24 months
Not completed a graduate year or completed part of a grad year
Have never been employed in a Level 4-5 maternity unit
No clinical experience across the midwifery continuum (or in a Birthing Unit)
Refresher Applicants:
Must hold a practicing certificate with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) by January 2025 Or Require re-registration but Meet Criteria through AHPRA to attend hospital supported program
Minimum of 3 years' experience working as a Registered Midwife in a maternity setting since qualified, one year of which has been in Australia or New Zealand.
Have not worked in the maternity setting for >2 years (or in a birthing unit for >2years)
Must be registered to undertake the ACMI Refresher e-learning course
Post Graduate Applicants:
Completed a Postgraduate Diploma in midwifery in last 12 months or currently completing and due to finish in 2025
Must hold a practicing certificate with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) by 2025
Have worked as a RN in the last 2yrs
2025 applicants must also apply through PMCV
This is a program for those who have already completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery and wish to enter the workforce as a Registered Midwife.
Program Duration
Main Rotations - Birthing and Postnatal
Short rotations - Antenatal Clinic, Maternity Assessment Centre (MAC)
Annual leave - 2 weeks pre allocated in program
Supernumerary shifts will be provided at the commencement of each new rotation
A minimum of two supernumeracy shifts
February - 2025
April - 2025
July - 2025
September - 2025
A team of Midwifery Educators, Clinical Support Midwives and ward midwives are available to guide and support in the clinical setting.
Graduate program coordinator and Line managers are available for support to all graduates.
Criteria for Completion
Satisfactory clinical hours (minimum 64hrs/fortnight)
Completion of Clinical Objectives each rotation
Satisfactory Performance Development Reviews
Participation in Study Days
A certificate will be presented on successful completion of the Program
Study Days
Orientation for all graduates at commencement of program
2 Training days
2 Graduate Midwife skills/study days
1 Allocated professional development days
These study days aim to prepare graduates for commencing in the organisation, ensure competencies are met, practice development addressed and enhance knowledge and bridge the theory to practice gap.